Limited Conservatorship Paralegal California

Wha does a Limited Conservatorship Paralegal do in California?  Paralegals by definition are required to be supervised by attorneys.   Our attorney supervised paralegals have over 20 years of experience with Limited Conservatorships.   We have helped many families who need to protect their adult children who are unable to sign power of attorney documents.

Duties of a paralegal are different than of a document preparer.   A paralegal has training in the specific area and has attended classes, and is answerable to an attorney who assist with legal questions.   When you are looking for California paralegals, look for experience and be sure that attorney help is available.

When seeking legal counsel, we can direct you to an attorney who can help you with technical knowledge of the local area judges.   For example, Los Angeles County has the following departments, each of which has a judge who may hear your Limited Conservatorship case:  Departments in Los Angeles County downtown Central Court that handle Limited Conservatorships:  2D, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 29, 67, 79, and 99 all have different probate judges.   We can tell you what you can expect in each department of the probate court in Los Angeles.

We can assist you with a Limited Conservatorship and probate services in Los Angeles,

Email us at or call us at 213-260-0026 for help with Limited Conservatorship in California.